After the V&A I took a walk around South Kensington visiting some of my favourite shops selling things I can't afford -
Few and Far,
Mint and
Margaret Howell; home of the understated English style that I aspire to but can't quite achieve because of my boot sale and charity shop habit. Then on to the Kings Road where I checked out the new Anthropologie (do they sell anything without a bobble or a frill!?) in the old Antiquarious site, what an amazing building. Then on to
The Shop at Bluebird via
Sigmar where I fell for the
hand blocked wallpaper, I may be able to afford one sample sheet! On the way I visited the good old
Conran Shop in the fabulous Michelin building. It was like stepping back in time to the 80s, I swear their displays have not changed - Phillipe Starck ghost chairs still abound. They were also guilty of taking the annoying trend of arranging books rainbow-style to a new extreme, holes drilled into hundreds of old books to make a colour coordinated window display, it made me cross!